Fact: taking care of plants is a lot of work.

Let us help.

We offer maintenance services on a weekly or monthly basis. Let us break it down for ya.

Weekly Maintenance Services

We diligently take care of your beloved plants by providing them with essential care every week. We ensure that they receive proper hydration, humidity and nutrition. We dust and clean your plants with neem oil as a monthly preventive measure against pests and bacteria. Rest assured, your plants will thrive under our attentive and holistic approach to their well-being.

Monthly Maintenance Services

During our monthly visits to your home or business, we conduct thorough checks on your plants, ensuring that they receive appropriate watering, adequate lighting, and are free from pests, bacteria, and soil issues. We prune, mist and shine your plants with neem oil, which helps them build strong defenses against pests. We send you a detailed report after each visit to help you continue providing exceptional care to your beloved plants.

Let’s start with a house call so we can align on the best plant care regimen for your house plants and begin our budding plant care relationship!